Never buy a Lenvovo

I should have known better – We were operating Lenovo’s at my employer large corporate and were they terrible laptops – the Lenovo stinkpad we called it….

For a personal laptop – I bought a Lenovo ideapad Z50-75 running AMD late 2017 from memory. From day 1 the laptop was fairly rubbish. I had been attracted by a positive reviews on PC websites plus was keen to try a laptop with a solid state drive. Anyway from day 1, is was fairly crap. The keyboard was clunky, some letters got stuck and weren’t very responsive and boy was the laptop slow. Even now only 30% off storage is used and just to open the browser can take 60 seconds….

And to make it worse I try run the Lenovo system diagnostics to optimize performance and the Vantage program now has cost. If you don’t subscribe you can’t optimize ad fix errors?? WTF – hasn’t this always been a default free program the manufacturer has installed?

Anyway in summary, keyboard is still crap – it has taken twice as long as it should to type this and I will never buy Lenovo again.

Wonderful Little Machines that causes grey hairs

At Christmas 2018 I purchased myself a new laptop. The one I intended to purchase was out of stock, but I was given a ‘higher spec’ laptop for the same price (about $1200 AUD). That’s how I came to buy this little beauty, the Idea Pad 520-15ikb. Little did I know this bad boy would be the bane of my existence.

As COVID reared it’s cheeky little face, I worked remotely. With working remotely I got to practice zen and develop patience (especially regarding my craptop). Sometimes I would have deep philosophical with myself, chiefly debating why my computer took so long to do so little, especially when every non-essential program had been switched off. What I cherished more than anything was the noise the hard drive makes, even when my computer was completely idle. I would think “what are you thinking about big guy, you’re doing nothing’. I did some googling, and unbeknownst to me, Lenovo is a Chinese brand, and I always wondered whether the noice my computer was making was because of some malware, with the Chinese government tuning into my YouTube time.

Christmas 2021, I decided to spoil myself and buy myself the Acer Nitro 5, which cost me $1500 (heavily discounted). Needless to see this new computer makes this Lenovo feel like a car from the early 20th century. But, I have not parted ways with this wonderful computer. I’ve now handed it down to my wife who gets to ask me questions about why this computer is so slow. It’s always nice to share the pain to someone else.

Anyone wishing to buy a laptop like this, like Lenovo, I’d highly recommend spending the money on anything else, even if it has no intrinsic value.

The pros for this wonderful little machine is that the casing is made out of metal. The cons are everything else.


THIS FN LAPTOP IS JUNK! I bought a Lenovo laptop and it’s been nothing but problems. It flat does not work. I spend more time restarting and waiting for it to stop spinning then I do getting my job done. I want to throw it into Lake Erie. I am so frustrated with it. It’s brand new. It’s a brand new piece of trash. I was not surprised at all to find this forum after googling My Lenovo Sucks. F! F! F! This computer. It’s going in the lake.

information thieves


Constant updates and reboots. WE know you are stealing information from us when we reboot your junk computer. Why not even try to make it look like you care about your customers? Why not some semblance of professionalism?

Lenovo X1 carbon Review

I bought a Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen 8 with a Guarantee of 3 years against damage.
After less than 2 years, the battery stopped working.
Of course – its the exact part NOT included in the Gauarntee.
the USB port didn’t work
the mouse pad didn’t work
Ethernet not working good
White screens. Black screens

I sent it to the fix – and waited for 5 weeks.
I had to pay 170 Euros for a new battery

it came back still damaged. The mouse pad is not fixed… just replcaed.

Worst purchase ever – I spent 1700 Euros on a laptop
Highly recommend to avoid this company

Lenovo really does suck


I am shocked how bad Lenovo is. My Yoga laptop 9 months old. THEIR hinge broke which in turn cracked the entire corner of the glass and they say it’s not covered because it’s customer accidental breakage! So it’s my fault that your hinge failed? Now I have to pay the Geek Squad to fix Lenovo’s crap. Not to mention the damn battery runs down on this laptop alarmingly fast – it’s 9 months old! Never again Lenovo, never again.

Lenovo IdeaPad 320

Straight out of the box it is absolutely the slowest PC I’ve ever seen…and I’m including way back to the early 90’s. Even with high speed internet it’s slower than dial-up! Doing anything on this machine is pure torture.

I lost 50k due to Lenovo being a pain

So I bought a new lenovo laptop in May, and by the end of July I was trying to get it repaired. I had well over 7 to 9 visits by repair techs, as well as have sent it to multiple repair depots. My negative reviews have been deleted, and I have been ghosted by my case manager, who I haven’t heard from since October. I have been trying my best to find out what happened to my laptop, hell I even said to just replace it in which I was told I didn’t qualify until I sent it to a depot first, in which was already done. I even sent a request for a upgrade for negative impacts to my personal and financial status and they said that I didn’t qualify until I sent it to the depot. I told them before I sent my laptop out that I would need it back as soon as possible as it was my laptop I used for college classes and I didn’t have the money to buy another. I was a wildland firefighter in cali and saved up a good amount of money in the 3 years of working, most of which I put into a savings account for my kid to give them a boost when moving out, and the rest I paid debt, bills, and payed for a 50k usd course that I was looking into for work. It was a extra 2 years, and I had the funds so I paid for it. I ended up getting kicked out of the program due to the fact that I was late on a few months worth of work. This was due to my laptop being god knows where sitting collecting dust or something. That was the last straw, I ended up cussing my case manager out demanding a upgrade as was well within my right as this crap wasn’t worth 50k worth of losses. I haven’t received any updates on this and this happened last week.

Crappy products

Bought two laptops, both Gray quality as in returned and refurbished. The site sells mostly Lenovo laptops here in Australia and now I know why. Many people must be returning them that’s the reason so many are for sale as refurbished. I got a great deal so can’t complain but both my lenovo laptops turned out to be junk. One has battery issues and other has wifi issues. Seems pretty common as the forums are flooded with these issues on the same models. S730 and s530 respectively.


Lenovo laptop with i5 processor and all the goodies is SO FUCKIN SLOW!!! I sent it to LENOVO for repair and came back. It’s the SAME SHIT. I want to return and my money back but LENOVO will not refund. FUCK LENOVO


$1,900 and camera has never worked! Hours and hours with Lenovo, MS and myself – no one with company or otherwise can get it to work! Ever other device I use immediately has a WORKING camera – every last one: phone, tablet, PC etc. etc.
Really unbelievable. Just WOW!

Lenovo is gay

My school gave us Lenovo chromebooks to use for the schoolyear. I would say that 90% percent of the chromebooks broke for no reason. lenovo is frickin trash.

Lenovo Ideapads are junk

Lenovo Ideapad 330-15ikb. Bought on 1st November 2018.

Within 2 years display, front cover hinge damaged. The left side hinge broke and bent and damaged the display. I had to change the front cover and the display for 100$. Backcover screw holes were worn out within 1 yr. I’ll never buy a backcover or a display again. Next time it’s going to the trash can.

Dvd drive died a few months ago. It stopped writing before that. It could only read. On August 2021 it’s dead.

It’s the 3rd year and touchpad, usb ports, ac power cable, fan and every fu***** bios update are malfunctioning. Fan stops every now & then and I have to unplug and plug it over and over. AC cable doesn’t charge unless it’s bent in a certain angle. Right click of touchpad malfunctions. Both usb ports are having loose connection and only one is usable for a long time.

Since last year an unique problem is happening once in a while. Any media won’t play steadily because next and previous options get switched automatically. Suppose I open a video with a media player. It won’t play for 5 seconds because the next and previous options are automatically activating, and the video is starting over and over or the next or previous videos of a list are switching. And also the laptop don’t stay in sleep mode. Withing 1 minute of putting to sleep it auto wakes up. Happened with last 2 BIOS updates. Will definitely relapse in the future.

Why didn’t I go with an hp or dell in 2018? Never buying from this brand again.

Don’t Do it Just don’t do it

I’ll sign off on this. Computer hasn’t worked since day one. Different glitch every time. Sometimes you can take screenshots sometimes you can’t. Sometimes you know where the file is gonna save, sometimes you don’t. Tried to run music software on it since it’s fast and has a lot of memory, but took 3 days to set up and get working right. It took a similar ACER machine 10 minutes.

Whatever 300 bucks you save buying this will not be worth the months of sheer frustration trying to get the thing to work properly. These guys are behind the curve in so many aspects.

Acer. Surface. Apple. Anything but, do yourself a favor.

It’s 2021 And Lenovo Still Sucks

So my Lenovo IdeaPad of 3 years use gave up on me two days ago and I thought I’d warn anyone who visits this blog. Lenovo sucks. Lenovo sucked in 2019 and it still sucks in 2021.

The laptop is heavy, bulky, not something you’d take along for travel. Its battery lasted 3h tops when new and after 3 years had less than 1h when fully charged. Despite having 8GB RAM and a quad AND processor it would stutter and freeze if more than 1 app was open. Never had a laptop with such a long bootup delay, 2-3+ min.
The display colors were all off. I’m a digital artist. Do the math and you’ll see why I’m angry.
The cooler engine gave up 1 year in. It made horrible noises like a hornets’ nest. The panel gets hot even with the fan running.
The touchpad driver crashed around year 2, forced me to buy a mouse.
The laptop is physically still functional but the video drivers died after a recent update so the monitor won’t light up. I’m gonna try to pawn this devil’s aggregate for parts, not sure if it’s worth anything.
Bottom line: Lenovo is overpriced, overrated, underpowered junk. Buy an Acer, Asus, or just build your own PC from scratch.

LeNOvo lot of rubbish

I bought two Lenova Laptops in 2019, a Core i3 and a Celeron. Both as slow as a snail climbing a mountain.
The Core i3 decided to lock me out of the Bios, then started giving blue screens of death and finally died, one month out of warranty.
Now I have an ASUS. Much better quality and much faster.

Lenovo SUCKS

I bought a Thinkpad laptop end of July,2021. Then I found that it has poor resolution and black out right afer one month later. USD 1000 is spent for a piece of shit.

Don’t buy ANYTHING LeNOvo

Lenovo has terminated some of their program, one of which I used often called Lenovo Nerve Center (Sense). I recently updated my Legion Y720 to Windows 11 IE and the Nerve Center no longer works. I emailed them and they were detached and didn’t care about my issue. They said the Nerve Center was no longer supported and refused to answer my questions but just share canned responses and links. They even refused to tell me of a workaround that I might do to access the fan speed and keyboard RGB lighting which can ONLY be accessed through the Nerve Center. So now I have features I can no longer access and Lenovo can’t be bothered about it and they don’t care. This is the LAST LeNOvo product I will ever buy. LeNOvo SUCKS!

Mistake to buy this computer

My brand new Lenovo yoga will not connect to Internet. If it does it loses it after about 3 minutes. So frustrating. I have tried everything. I know it isn’t my internet connection.

Done with Lenovo forever

So I’ve made the mistake of buying a few of Lenovos laptops including one low range 17″ and two different gen gaming y520s and I hate to say it but that’s how long it took me to understand how absolutely shit they were, both of the y520 lacked any sort of driver/bios support, the other one of them for example had the CPU throttle curve made so terribly that the instant it became a little hot it dropped the clocks to 1.5Ghz effectively ruining the gaming experience.. there were no updates or anything from Lenovo despite many people having the same issue, someone had managed to make a really hacky way of fixing it.. BUT YOU SHOULDNT HAVE TO WRITE YOUR OWN THROTTLE CURVES INTO BIOS FOR A 1000€ LAPTOP.

The other two were just cheap plastic, bloatware and disappointing performance with boat loads of heat, I’ve since gotten smarter and changed to an Asus, trust me, I have never been happier. No longer is my lap on fire but I also get performance that i want withouth modding the god damn laptop.

Lazy hacks at customer communication.

A) website lets you find products that you can’t add to the cart, because maybe it’s out of stock, but it doesn’t bother telling you that anywhere.
B) A popup window asked me if I wanted to leave feedback on their site. Heck, yeah! But despite the instructions, when I closed the tab I was visiting Lenovo in, nothing happened. The little popup is still there doing nothing.
C) you call them and get put on hold, and every 15 seconds they interrupt very jumpy music to tell you you’re still on hold. After 20 minutes, I think I’ve got it down that I’m on hold.

Lenovo Sucks!

One of the worst tech decisions I ever made. I bought a Lenovo computer a few months ago and it blue screened today. Service is useless and their warranty is also. Never buying another China product.

I gotscrewedpad

Starts up and takes forever, wants to download every time I turn it on this take forever when it’s finished it tells me it can’t upload the new software so now it takes it off this take forever. I just turned it on and I have been waiting for half an hour now looking at a mountain view listening to the dam thing trying to give me something anything would be great. My flip phone works better than this piece of shit. Text them told them to go back to the drawing board then erase it because it’s not going to do much of anything so I’m sitting here with a 600 dollar piece of shit saying to myself what the fuck did I do to them that they fucked me this bad. Should of greased my ass first before I walked into this place.

I hate this laptop

Lenovo sucks so bad
I have their idéapad laptop and it has been slow and unreliable since day one.
It sucks so much, I can’t download anything as simple as chrome browser without it crashing.

Junk they won’t fix

Had a warranty repair but they kept sending me bogus usb that was “supposed” to have operating system on it. They sent me 3. All of which didn’t work. Then when I called for help they kept transferring me back and forth. At one point they transferred me to a local repair shop. This was all under 3 months of buying it. It’s basically unusable and they won’t fix it. Never ever will I buy Lenovo again.

Lenovo Sucks July 2021

Lenovo has always been a piece of garbage laptop. Even their desktops are garbage. As a Systems Administrator, I have dealt with many brands and by far – not only my opinion – but facts from many companies, Lenovos are garbage.

1. uses outdated hardware that are rebranded
2. they are made so cheap since they were bought out (material and QA)
3. Their product chief doesn’t know how to even build a working machine – BSOD, under powered in hard drive, cache, memory, cpu, graphics.
4. There is a reason they got a nickname: Lenovo StinkPad
5. They are the worst to put third party programs on because the components are just thrown together and not tested.
6. Their warranty and support is NEGATVE -25 out of 5.
7. They use the cheapest labor for warranty repairs and those are just young adults who have no training or even know how to turn a handle.
8. Lenovo will rip you off any chance they can get.

Use until it breaks

I bought an Ideapad 330S less than three years ago. It broke down and the official Lenovo service is unable to find all the repair parts. The two parts they did find cost 3 times more than the original laptop. This is a “use until it breaks” machine meant to be dumped at the slightest problem.

Save yourself the trouble

I bought a Lenovo Yoga

It fucking sucks

I’ve had to hard reboot it about three or four times by now, the screen just occasionally breaks and either puts a purple filter over everything or just doesn’t turn on. The space bar, enter, and backspace key completely broke for a week , it constantly has connection issues with networks it was working fine with yesterday, oh and the assholes made the screen so thin it can get bent with slight pressure. I genuinely don’t think I could have bought a shittier product.

Super disappointed by Lenovo ideapad S530

This is by far the worst laptop i have ever own. I hate to say it – but i will probably have to leave this brand for a while.

1. sleep mode does not work, the harddisk is still running

2. it’s crazy but it happens with this laptop – i shut it down with full battery but only to discover the next day that it was still running internally and it drained my battery. can you image the computer is still running internally after it has been shut down?

3. most of the time i was not able to use “on/off” button or my mouse or “enter” key to wake up my computer from sleep mode, i ofter had to do a forced restart. what is the point of having a sleep mode then?

4. the sound system is super lousy, i was not able to listen clearly for many youtube clips, i had to bluetooth to an external speaker in order to watch youtubes

5. wireless card is not working, and it is a known issue (for this model) acknowledged by lenovo support center, they changed it for me for free, but it is still not working well. how this affects? you will not have wi-fi in your rooms, you have to sit literally next to your router.. how annoying!

Brick out of the box

I purchased a yoga c-940 with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1065G7 CPU @ 1.30GHz 1.50 GHz and 16 gigs of ram. It was not cheap. I bought it specifically for drawing because–get this–that’s how they advertised it. After receiving the machine I learned that, no matter what program or “compatible” writing utensil I use, it is impossible to make a straight line. I now know–no thanks to Lenovo, this is because they shipped their Yoga series with varying levels of quality in the screen digitizers. So, the chances that your Yoga will have full resolution for the pen across the entire surface is basically zero.

I spoke with several Lenovo reps, but ultimately ended the conversation after they asked me to pay money to continue our conversation. My favorite one said

“Lenovo only offers support for lenovo software. So, if you use any drawing program that wasn’t created by Lenovo, then we are not responsible for it.”

When I asked him where I could download the Lenovo drawing application, he said:
“Please, stop attacking me. I’m going to end this call.”

And he immediately cut the line.

Since this issue, I’ve just been trying to use the laptop as a really powerful internet machine, but it has started doing this screen flickering thing on start up. Seems to be tied to the vertical access of the mouse pad. Seriously have never spent so much money on something that is, more or less, a brick.

“16 hour” battery

Lenovo. Sucks. I bought an L13 Yoga. It totalled ~$1,500 AUD (the device itself cost ~$1.2k) after the warranty was added, and I don’t even get a good product. Waste of money.

I spent $300-400 on warranty and I don’t get anything worth my money.

To start off, Vantage is full of scareware. It reports issues that don’t even exist, it chews up resources and reports that 6 GB or RAM is in use when only 4.5 is.

Lenovo, fix your lineup.

Lenovo ” Not an Option”

Total piece of shit! “Printer constantly disconnects” When juggling through websites multiple Windows open! No choice, given to me by work! Guess that it is why my company sucks as well!

Still selling crap

I found this site yesterday ’cause I wondered if anyone else had problems w/their Lenovo laptop. Not surprised many have. What is a wee shock is that most of the posts are from several years ago and nothing has changed. their products still suck big green ones.Had to buy this one due to limited availability(of anything) during pandemic. Too poor to replace it w/something decent. Others should just avoid this brand.


I bought a Lenovo C340 laptop and the motherboard, keys and case are broken.
Even my cheap $100 dollar Vaio from 2009 never broke.
Too promises for a cheap price.

2 Days out of warranty and you are screwed

Never buy a Lenovo product because they won’t stand behind it. Just out of warranty and a previously opened ticket regarding the camera no longer working at 9 months after sale which they claimed was resolved. Ahem, no ! Then battery will only charge to 60% days after 1 year warranty expired. Seriously? After an open issue and then additional warranty issue your response is too bad. Too bad for you Lenovo. You suck and I will never buy a Lenovo product again personally or for my company.

Lenovo Ideapad A320 Piece of CRAP

Lenovo Ideapad A320 This was the worst purchase I ever made back in 2018. I had nothing but issues with that piece of junk machine. It was the slowest hunk of junk I have ever owned, lagged more than actually did anything and eventually ended up getting cracked in half across my knee with very litter effort, and is on its way to the landfill. I even tried upgrading the RAM and did nothing more to increase performance. My mother recently upgraded her laptop, and gave me her old one. I am using a 10 year old gateway NV53A from 2010 that has more power and stability than that POS sorry excuse for a laptop. I installed more RAM and bought a new battery pack for it and it works fantastic! I will never own a Lenovo product as long as I live, THAT is for sure!

Dont talk to me about Lenovo garbage

I have had a Lenovo laptop for the past year. Although it boasts an i5 core, it can barely run Minecraft. Keeps on lagging whenever I go on a teams meeting. Cheap 1920×1080 resolution, with windows graphics. Fan runs all the time, and burns your hand. 4 cores, 1.6 GHz burns at 100 degrees Celsius on a teams meeting. They give this garbage for 1.5k. Never buy Lenovo x390

Lenovo bunch of bums

Lenovo are a bunch of homeless bums begging for my money. I bought my legion Y520 and now they want me to pay to be able to access the Lenovo Nerve Center which I used to have access to

Problematic gift

When I graduated high school back in 2018 I asked my parents for a new laptop. I wasn’t hoping for anything grand, just something new to do school assignments on, something that could run Microsoft word and would boot up fairly fast because my laptop at the time was a heavy thing running windows 7 and wouldn’t run if it wasn’t plugged in. Little did I know, my dad wanted to get me something nice to encourage my pursuit of art school. So he bought me a Lenovo Yoga that was on clearance because someone had returned it (apparently it was the wrong color?). Keep in mind, on clearance this thing was still $1200 USD. But I was excited because it was new and it was so much more than I was expecting. However since having said laptop for 3ish years now I can say that I do not recommend it. It’s doing it’s job I guess, but i’ve had a lot of issues with it. The battery life isn’t very long and the touch pad randomly stops working sometimes. When I have my laptop in tablet mode (because it can flip into a tablet which IS very useful for digital art) it sometimes thinks that I am holding buttons, mainly the Ctrl key which is an issue because that does things in the art program I use. About a year ago I had a major issue where my laptop was blue screening for no reason multiple times a day which made completing online assignments a real hassle for me. I took it to a computer repair guy and he couldn’t figure out why it was blue screening because the code it was giving him was just the general error code instead of something specific. He uninstalled some basic lenovo operating stuff I think and it seemed to fix the issue. He told me that if it didn’t he would give a full refund. He also said he was going to stop servicing lenovo’s because they all had issues like this and he thought they were just cursed. Here recently instead of blue screening it sometimes just gives me a black screen when I start up certain tasks. Half the time it’s random and the other half it’s on the brink of dying and it just forgot to update the battery bar (so it would say I have 40% battery, but in reality I had 4%). Granted I’m not very careful with this thing (my first year having it I accidentally dropped a frozen water bottle on it and it left a small dent on the top which I promptly covered with stickers so my dad wouldn’t see) so maybe some of it is on me, but this just seems like way too many problems and some of them are common among other lenovo users. This thing also gets unbearably hot sometimes, especially when charging. Oh and some of the choices they made for the display really bother me. The recommended screen and application zoom setting is 300% and I agree that it looks best this way despite a lot of the icons being too big for my comfort (the next level down, 250%, is much too small and makes text unreadable), many applications simply do not fit the screen when zoomed in this much. The app windows are too big and it hides important buttons. Some applications also open much too small with these settings, making text and buttons illegible. Anyone trying to open Origin to play the sims is gonna have a hard time with this laptop as the application window opens to be the size of your drivers license and the text is too small to see. I’m sure i’m forgetting some stuff, but you get the idea. it’s not a very good laptop, especially for the price. Things I do like about it: It flips into a tablet and has a touch screen so I can draw (I recommend Clip Studio Paint for an art program, but Medibang is a good free alternative I used for a while). It comes with a pen so you can use it for art or notes in tablet mode (the older model of this pen works better, is lighter, and easier to hold, and has a thing that lets you clip it to stuff) though said pens cap holding in the batteries cracked and I had to use a hair tie to keep it tight enough so my batteries wouldn’t fall out. Just get the older pen it’s better and sturdier. uuuuh I like the keyboard. I like the the keyboard has lights, but I didn’t like that no one told me how to turn off the lights so it took 3 years for me to figure it out. I like that the charger is a type c cord so I can use my laptop charger to charge my phone in a pinch. why it has 2 type c ports and only 1 usb port I’ll never know. instead of a second type c could they not have just given me an hdmi port why did I have to buy an extender? uuuuuuhhh the touchpad is nice when it works. uuuuuhhh it has a built in blue light filter which is neat. That’s about it really idk. it’s pretty hit or miss. I appreciate my dad getting me something he thought was nice and it is fairly decent at being a drawing tablet when it doesn’t wanna give me a black screen and delete my progress, but I def won’t be buying another one after this officially dies. I’ll probably switch to another tablet-laptop hybrid from a different company and hope for the best. I just hope I can carry over my current pen.

Think intelligent

So, Lenovo !!! 10 years ago IBM decided to sell their low end laptops. What did we get ? We got sub Standard, poor quality, badly made laptops made with all the components from the cheaper range of providers.. The support is below what is would expect from IBM.. search for, IBM thinkpad.. Not Lenovo thinkpad , why do you ‘Think ‘ that a ‘real ‘ IbB thinkpad is at least £1.000 !!