Lenovo Sucks July 2021

Lenovo has always been a piece of garbage laptop. Even their desktops are garbage. As a Systems Administrator, I have dealt with many brands and by far – not only my opinion – but facts from many companies, Lenovos are garbage.

1. uses outdated hardware that are rebranded
2. they are made so cheap since they were bought out (material and QA)
3. Their product chief doesn’t know how to even build a working machine – BSOD, under powered in hard drive, cache, memory, cpu, graphics.
4. There is a reason they got a nickname: Lenovo StinkPad
5. They are the worst to put third party programs on because the components are just thrown together and not tested.
6. Their warranty and support is NEGATVE -25 out of 5.
7. They use the cheapest labor for warranty repairs and those are just young adults who have no training or even know how to turn a handle.
8. Lenovo will rip you off any chance they can get.

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