Lenovo is bad

I have a lenovo Ideapad 320. It sucks. It scratches so easily, it’s a pain to clean, the keyboard design is wack and makes it painful to play even basic games like Minecraft, it’s full of lenovo’s crappy software trying to screw around with you, it’s prone to crashes, it can barely handle more than one medium-load process running at any time, it only has the one earphone port that isn’t even separate from the mic port, the trackpad is a pain to use and is generally terrible, and generally using this thing is like digging a large hole with a toothpick.

I’ve lost many hours of work from this garbage-spec laptop dying for no reason quite often – such as the time I lost an entire RoboDK project, a half hour render job and several hours of work on an architectural masterplan all at once – or just shutting down because it feels like (probably a microsoft issue) but the final straw was not being able to even play Touhou games when I finally started to get into them because the keyboard is so horrifically awful. All that space for SECOND far larger ‘+’, ‘enter’ and ‘0’ keys as well as a dedicated set of playback buttons, and yet the up and down arrow keys are so small they take up half the smallest regular key on the laptop? Actual proof that corporate hacks are incompetent if not uncaring about the needs of the consumer.

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