Don’t Do it Just don’t do it

I’ll sign off on this. Computer hasn’t worked since day one. Different glitch every time. Sometimes you can take screenshots sometimes you can’t. Sometimes you know where the file is gonna save, sometimes you don’t. Tried to run music software on it since it’s fast and has a lot of memory, but took 3 days to set up and get working right. It took a similar ACER machine 10 minutes.

Whatever 300 bucks you save buying this will not be worth the months of sheer frustration trying to get the thing to work properly. These guys are behind the curve in so many aspects.

Acer. Surface. Apple. Anything but, do yourself a favor.

OS garbage.

I’m here to revive this movement. Recommended Lenovo for a sibling and partner in the past year because my dad has been using Lenovo for quite a while for work and personal.

Driver management is horrendous. Always issues with the computer not being able to detect external audio device and even its own camera, even after repeatedly uninstalling and reinstalling drivers. Nowadays these matter more than ever for remote working, and honestly should just be expected of literally any computer. Partner’s X1 Carbon is *slower* than her old Macbook Air running Rhino, a modeling application. Just absurd. All of these quality-of-life issues as well as genuine processing power are just unreasonable for the price and honestly for the hardware within these things. Don’t get drawn in by that nectar.

Lenovo SUCKS!!!

I was looking for the best of the best…got the yoga c930. It is a beautiful laptop but it overheats and there are internet connectivity problems. I have gotten a replacement and still have internet issues. I think I am done with Lenovo…very dissatisfied. What do you do when you buy the highest rated laptop and you have these issues? Who can you trust?